A pneumatic powered caulking gun for low viscosity resin and polyurethane systems. Produces 490 lbs. of thrust @ 100 psi service air pressure. Capable of handling plural component cartridges size including 300ml x 300ml, 300ml x 150ml, 150ml x 150ml, and 300ml x 75ml. Easily converts with Snap-in/Snap-off push disks. Gun has adjustable pressure regulator built in and a air dump valve that stops flow immediately. Also has a reverse air control for withdrawing product on overfill.
A pneumatic powered caulking gun for medium to high viscosity resin, polyurethane systems, sealers, and joint compounds. Produces 1,100 lbs. of thrust @ 100 psi service air pressure. Capable of handling plural component cartridges size including 300ml x 300ml, 300ml x 150ml, 150ml x 150ml, and 300ml x 75ml. Easily converts with Snap-in/Snap-off push disks. Gun has adjustable pressure regulator built in and a air dump valve that stops flow immediately. Also has a reverse air control for withdrawing product on overfill.
A pneumatic powered caulking gun for medium to high viscosity resin, polyurethane systems, sealers, and joint compounds. Produces 1,100 lbs. of thrust @ 100 psi service air pressure. Capable of handling plural component cartridges size including 750ml x 750ml, 750ml x 300ml, 750ml, 75ml x 150ml, 600ml x 600ml, 600ml x 300ml, and 300ml x 300ml. Easily converts with Snap-in/Snap-off push disks. Gun has adjustable pressure regulator built in and a air dump valve that stops flow immediately. Also has a reverse air control for withdrawing product on overfill.
MST has a series of pneumatic injection guns for projects requiring multi port injections or very large volumes of resin product that require an operator to inject over a long period of time. Each of these guns are designed to accept our unicartridge, single cartridge, or plural component cartridges as well as bulk dispensing for large projects. Each gun is manufactured to an ergonomic design for continued use and air pressures are adjustable to control product flow. Each gun has an air dump valve that stops product flow instantly. Suitable for 100 psi supply air with various thrust ratios depending on the product that is being dispensed.
Pro-Poxy 400 is a two component 100% solids, moisture tolerant, all weather epoxy acrylate hybrid anchoring gel. Pro-Poxy 400 is formulated for rapid set up at room temperatures and down to temperatures of -15?F (-26?C). Pro-Poxy 400 is ideal for anchoring dowels, bolts, threaded rod, pins and reinforcement steel in concrete. Pro-Poxy 400 can also be used in cooler and freezer applications or anywhere low temperature installations are required. Ideal for setting injection ports and sealing cracks for the pressure injection process. Characteristics: - High modulus epoxy gel, high strength structural adhesive - Ideal for anchoring dowels, bolts, reinforcing steel, and threaded rod - Moisture tolerant - Fast setting, non sag gel - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component uni-cartridges or dual cartridges - High chemical resistance - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes A, B & C - Excellent adhesion to most construction materials - All weather and temperature installation - Ideal for cold weather installations - Styrene free
Pressure Port Crack Repair System is a complete crack repair kit that includes multiple components for structural repairs of horizontal, vertical and overhead cracks or voids in concrete up to 1/4 inch (6 mm). The complete system consists of plural component cartidges of repair liquids, an epoxy capping material for sealing cracks between ports, a unique injection port system via bladder style or spring plunger style ports, and all necessary resins for attaching ports to substrate. Characteristics: - Contains everything needes to repair 8-10 feet of structural cracks - Easy to follow instructions - Very low viscosity injection liquids (518 cps) - Easily dispensable with standard cauking guns - VOC Compliant materials - Meets ASTM C-881 Type I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Class C and AASHTO M-235 - Moisture insensitive, can be used on damp substrates and will cure underwater
Pro-Poxy 100 is a 100% solids, high modulus, moisture tolerant, low viscosity epoxy adhesive for gravity feed or pressure injection of cracks in concrete or voids in machinery bases. Characteristics: - High modulus, high strength adhesive - Low viscosity, for deep penetration into cracks or narrow voids (518 cps) - Moisture tolerant - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component cartridges or gallon units - High chemical resistance - Certified to conform to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 by WQA - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C
Pro-Poxy? 204 is a 100% solids, fast setting, two component, high modulus, medium viscosity, moisture tolerant structural epoxy adhesive. The primary use of the Pro-Poxy? 204 is for bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete. Pro-Poxy? 204 has excellent adhesion to most construction materials. Pro-Poxy? 204 may be used for anchoring bolts, dowels and reinforcing steel in concrete and for filling large voids in machinery baseplates. Characteristics: - High modulus, high strength adhesive - Medium viscosity, for deep penetration into cracks or narrow voids (5,800 cps) - Moisture tolerant - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component cartridges or gallon units - High chemical resistance - Certified to conform to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 by WQA - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C - Ideal for bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete - Secondary use for anchoring dowels, bolts and reinforcing steel - Excellent adhesion to most construction materials
Pro-Poxy 300 Fast is two component, moisture tolerant, 100% solids, high modulus epoxy gel adhesive. Pro-Poxy 300 Fast is ideal for anchoring bolts, dowels, and reinforcing steel in concrete. It is also ideal for vertical and horizontal structural bonding and patching. Pro-Poxy 300 Fast may also be used to seal cracks and set injection ports prior to pressure injection grouting. Characteristics: - High modulus epoxy gel, high strength structural adhesive - Ideal for anchoring dowels, bolts, reinforcing steel, and threaded rod - Moisture tolerant - Fast setting gel - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component cartridges or gallon units - High chemical resistance - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C - Excellent adhesion to most construction materials - Non-sag gel consistency
Pro-Poxy 300 is a two component, 100% solids, moisture tolerant, high modulus epoxy gel adhesive. Pro-Poxy 300 is ideal for anchoring bolts, dowels and reinforcing steel in concrete. It is also ideal for vertical and horizontal structural bonding and patching. Pro-Poxy 300 may be used to seal cracks and set injection ports prior to pressure injection grouting. Characteristics: - High modulus epoxy gel, high strength structural adhesive - Ideal for anchoring dowels, bolts, reinforcing steel, and threaded rod - Moisture tolerant - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component cartridges or gallon units - High chemical resistance - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C - Excellent adhesion to most construction materials - Non-sag gel consistency - High-strength structural adhesive - Ideal for anchoring dowels, bolts, reinforcing steel and threaded rod - Moisture tolerant - Excellent adhesion
Pro-Poxy 50 is a 100% solids, high modulus, moisture tolerant, very low viscosity epoxy adhesive for gravity feed or pressure injection of cracks in concrete. The Pro-Poxy 50 primary use is for pressure injection and gravity feed crack repair in concrete and masonry and for filling very small voids in machinery pump bases. Excellent for rebonding loose base plates for vibration dampening. Characteristics: - High modulus, high strength adhesive - Low viscosity, for deep penetration into cracks or narrow voids (135 cps) - Moisture tolerant - V.O.C. Compliant (0 g/l) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Packaged in plural component cartridges or gallon units - High chemical resistance - Certified to conform to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 by WQA - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C
The 2810 SilFoam is a two-component urea silicate expansion foam system that is a fast-foaming, solvent free product designed to seal cracks and filling large voids. 2810 SilFoam reacts with or without the presense of water. Characteristics: - Envirometally sound - Fast foaming and sealing properties - Good adhesion on wet substrate - Good chemical stability, FCH free - Resistant to water, diluted acids, and alkaline colloids - Suitable for cutting and planing - Low viscosity Uses Include: - Pre injection for TBM, umbrella injection - Filling and stabilization of cavaties, voids, galleries in tunnel construction, coal and strata - Consolidation and solidification of fractured rocks, soils, sands, gravel, and coal - Consolidation of fissuered mountains, rocks, soils, sands - Mine and ventilation seals - Slope stabilization
4040 LV Epoxy Resin is a 100% solids (solvent free), high modulus, non-shrink, two component epoxy injection resin with outstanding features. Excellent for structural concrete crack injection, repairing delaminated slab segments,repair of natural rock, masonry, concrete and wood segments. Materials can be gravity fed or pressure injected. Characteristics: - 100% Solids (0 VOC) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - mosture tolerant for moist conditions (best results in a dry enviroment) - super low viscosity (390 cps) for deep penetraticartridgeson into structural cracks - high strength - Packaged in (2:1 ratio) 14.5 oz plural component cartridges, 15 & 165 Gallon kits - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C
4050 SLV Epoxy Resin is a 100% solids, high modulus, 2-component, moisture-tolerant, super low viscosity, high strength, multipurpose, epoxy injection resin adhesive. Designed for structural concrete crack repair, welding cracked concrete segments, repair of delaminated slabs, rebonding of natural rock, masonry, concrete, and wood. Excellent for gravity feed or pressure injection of cracks in structural substrate. Characteristics: - 100% Solids (0 VOC) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - mosture tolerant for moist conditions (best results in a dry enviroment) - super low viscosity (100 cps) for deep penetraticartridgeson into structural cracks - high strength - Packaged in (2:1 ratio) plural component cartridges, 15 & 165 Gallon Kits - Meets ASTM C-881/AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, V Grade 1, Classes B & C
4500 NSF QuickSeal Epoxy Paste is a fast cure, 100% solids, high modulus, non-sag, non-shrink two component, epoxy adhesive that bonds to concrete and other surfaces. Good for setting pressure ports and sealing cracks between prots for the pressure injection process. Characteristics: - NSF/ANSI 61 rated for contact with potable water - 100% Solids (0 VOC) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Good adhesion to conctrete, masonry, wood, and other structural substrates - Non-Sag Formula - Seals cracks between injection ports - Setting of the injection ports for pressure injection process - High modulus, high strength, 1: 1 ratio - ASTM C 881 Compliant-Types l, ll, lV, V Grade 3, Class B & C - Packaged in 22 oz. plural component cartridges or 1 Gallon kit
4500 QuickSeal Epoxy Paste is a fast cure, 100% solids, high modulus, non-sag, non-shrink two component, epoxy adhesive that bonds to concrete and other surfaces. Good for setting pressure ports and sealing cracks between prots for the pressure injection process. Characteristics: - 100% Solids (0 VOC) Meets Federal EPA, OTC, LADCO, SCAQMD, & CARB regulations - Good adhesion to conctrete, masonry, wood, and other structural substrates - Non-Sag Formula - Seals cracks between injection ports - Setting of the injection ports for pressure injection process - High modulus, high strength, 1: 1 ratio - ASTM C 881 Compliant-Types l, ll, lV, V Grade 3, Class B & C - Packaged in 22 oz. plural component cartridges or 1 Gallon kit
GT2800/2850 SilFlex is a two component urea-silicate resin system with outstanding sealing and consolidation properties. This product is a fast reacting, non-foaming, solvent free, resin system that achieves full hardeness inapproximately three minutes at 77 Deg. F (25 Deg. C). Characteristics: - Environmentally sound - Penetrates fine cracks - Suitable for underwater applications - Very low viscosity - Does not absord water - Suitable for cutting and planing - Non foaming - Great adhesion and final cured strength - High plastic ductility under poressure Uses Include: - Coal Mining Corridors - Stabilization of pillar support structures - Consolidation of fissured mountains, rocks, soils - Rehabilitation and sealing of corridors and shaft extensions - Repair of concrete and underwater structures - Subsoil and rock mass stabilization - Tunnel face stabilization and crack filling - Umbrella grouting in TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) areas